Death By Chocolate - M -Download
Murder Mystery Party Game
Indulge your senses in decadent chocolate. Madeline Corman is hosting her daughter's bachelorette party at the very exclusive Lady Godiva Day Spa. This is a chocolate lover's dream come true. Guests will experience body treatments made from the finest chocolates while indulging in the most delicious and exotic chocolate treats.
Death By Chocolate is the perfect murder mystery party game kit for hen parties, bachelorette parties, pamper parties, and events where there are a lot of women and a few men. We provide a free Chocolate Spa Recipes Booklet, which you can use to make spa treatments and/or print and give to your guests as a gift!
Death By Chocolate is great for hen parties, bachelorette parties, pamper parties, and events where there are a lot of women and a few men. We provide a free Chocolate Spa Recipes Booklet, which you can use to make spa treatments and/or print and give to your guests as a gift! You are NOT required to give spa treatments of any kind. This is optional!
For 8-21 Guests (8-16 females, plus 5 Optional Males)
We also have an all-female Extra Character Packet with 10 additional characters! Download & Print version.
We have methods for hosting much larger parties listed in our FAQ.

Written by Mary Lee
Artwork by Darryl Taylor
Free Preview of Death By Chocolate
View our Free Game Preview to understand better how our games work. Links will load a flip book of the booklet! The Sample Character Booklets are not in-game characters, so that they won't reveal anything in the likely event you are playing. In a pinch, they can be used though.
Death By Chocolate M Host Guide - Explains how our games run, how to host them, and a step-by-step for the event.
Death By Chocolate M Sample Character Background Booklet - This will instruct your guests on how to play the game and what they can expect. It also gives them their assigned character's background information and other suggestions or instructions they may need.
Death By Chocolate M Sample Confidential Booklet - these are not given out until after the murder and will tell your guests what secrets they have, secrets they know about others, and things they may need to say or do.
IMPORTANT: After purchase, you will receive a follow-up email with info to access the Character Backgrounds for your game so you can email these to your guests along with the Host Guide and Guest List Worksheet to assign characters. If you do not get it, check your junk folder. If you still have not received it, then please reply to your receipt and let me know and I will get it to you. Also, reply and let us know if you purchase an extra character packet and need those straight-format background booklets to email too.

Character Background Booklets which contain:
Guest List
How to Participate in a Murder Mystery Instructions
Character Background
Any information the character may need.
Character Confidential Booklets - Contain Secrets, Knowledge, and Things to Do.
Host Guide Booklet - This includes a Step By Step
Organizing Guide and Organizing Labels
Guest List Worksheet (to assign characters to guests).
Weapon & Action Card System (There is an optional weapon card scavenger hunt. We will provide the link to that in the materials you receive).
Full-Size Evidence
Evidence Presentation
Game Money (for all those nefarious schemes).
Whodunit Cards and Worksheet
Graphics or flyers to display.
Certificates for:
Best Performer - For Oscar-deserving performance skills.
Dressed to Kill - For using outstanding creative imagination in costuming.
Super Sleuth - For using superior wits and detective skills to solve the mystery.
Super Villain - For being the sneakiest and most backstabbing player in the game.
Wealthiest Player - For using cunning, bribery, and other nefarious skills to amass the most wealth.

Death By Chocolate Tame rating breakdown:​​
In this game, a couple of people are in a relationship with others or secretly seeing each other.
The murder takes place at the party.
Everything is done very tastefully so as not to offend.
Please Note: This game is not suitable for real conservative groups.
The exception to this would be if you were having an all-girls party with no males attending. Then this would be suitable for groups that are a little open-minded, as the flings are mentioned, but the guilty parties will not be in attendance.

Chastity Corman is the Bride to Be. Chastity has always been involved in charitable works. No one even knew Miles and Chastity knew each other. It came as a big shock when their families announced their engagement.
Kinzie is Chastity’s best friend and Maid of Honor. Kinzie is a successful investment banker. There are whispers that some big deal she was working on has fallen through.
Madeline Corman is this town’s most influential member of society. Chastity’s mother is married to Charles Corman, who is the owner of Majestic Confectioners.
Melissa is one of Chastity’s best friends and a bridesmaid. Marriage has been her favorite subject ever since she was a little girl. Despite this, she remains unmarried. In some societies, they would call her a spinster.
Porsche Heart is recently married to Matt, a local racing driver, who used to like fast women as much as his fast cars. They had a whirlwind romance and were married within three months of meeting.
Victoria Belvedere is the matriarch of the Belvedere Ship family and fortune. Her son Miles is the groom. Victoria is always involved in one charity or another. She is also a longstanding member of the Spirited Sisterhood Society.
Bonnie Straight grew up with Chastity, Kinzie, Melissa, and Porsche. They were inseparable as children until Bonnie’s parents fell on hard times, and they moved away. Bonnie became a detective for the local police department.
Justine is the owner of Lady Godiva’s Day Spa and a friend of Madeline Corman. Justine is also the founder of the Spirited Sisterhood Society and is heavily involved in charity work.
Tyra and Chastity became friends when they both started volunteer work with the Belvedere Children’s Charity. Word is that a recent donor is about to announce a huge donation to the charity that will allow them to add a children’s wing to the local hospital. Tyra has been divorced twice.
Carina is Chastity’s cousin and friend. Carina is an artist whose paintings have been shown statewide. She will be the photographer for the upcoming nuptials.
Blair was backed by Chastity as a large shareholder in the first Casino in these parts. She is the Black Jack Manager for that casino now.
Rae is the Wedding Planner of choice for high society. She is, of course, the planner for this historic wedding event.
Pearl is Madeline’s sister and Chastity’s Godmother. She has devoted her life to charitable works and her goddaughter's happiness.
Belinda grew up next door to the Belvedere family, and it was expected that she and Miles would marry each other. It shocked her and her family when the Belvederes announced their son’s engagement to Chastity Corman!
Elise is the CEO of Majestic Confectionery. Rumors are that she has contacted a headhunter to find a position with another company. She denies this rumor vehemently.
Angelica Dufaux is Montgomery Belvedere’s half-sister; they share the same father. Angelica was always been distant from the rest of the Belvedere family. It seems her interest in the family began when her father died, and she found she might stand a chance of inheriting a multi-million dollar company.
Kimberly Dufaux is Angelica’s daughter. Kimberly and her brother, Cody, do not speak at all these days. The family refuses to discuss the reasons for the feud.
Charles ‘Chuck’ Corman is the owner of the oldest and most respected chocolate manufacturer in America, Majestic Confectionery. He inherited the company from his father, as he had from his.
Miles Belvedere is the groom-to-be and the sole heir of Victoria and Montgomery Belvedere, owners of the famous Belvedere Ship Company.
Montgomery Belvedere is the owner of the famous Belvedere Ship Company, makers of the finest yachts in the world today. Montgomery is a very powerful man who knows how to get exactly what he wants.
Cody Dufaux is Miles Belvedere’s best man and cousin. Cody was spotted out with Chastity 2 nights ago, and everyone has been buzzing in speculation. The Belvederes have responded by saying the rumor was started by Cody’s mother, Angelica.
Matt Heart is a semi-famous racecar driver who is married to Porsche. He is famous in these parts for fast cars and fast women. He swears he has sworn off the fast women since his marriage.

This packet is to be used with our Death By Chocolate game only.
Marie Inhaste has been widowed four times. They call her the Black Widow. Each of her rich and powerful husbands died of heart failure. Men really have a lot to say about that fact. She may be on the lookout for #5.
May Flowers is a quirky psychologist whose favorite pastime is analyzing everyone she meets.
Sally Forth is a Famous Psychic. Sally claims to hear the voices of the dearly departed.
Jenna Feline is a very eccentric heiress. She has oodles of cats and dresses quite strangely.
Betty Kant claims to be a forensic entomologist who prefers to be called a maggotologist. Her knowledge of bugs can reveal when, where, and sometimes how a victim died. At least, these are the claims she makes. Sounds like voodoo science to us.
Karma Delight is an actress for a murder mystery troupe. She claims to have been the wife of an Arab Prince before he was killed in a civil uprising.
Kikki Kickit is a for-hire bodyguard. While many find the occupation unusual or even scandalous, they would not dare say anything about it. She was trained in the Far East, and it is said that she can kill a man with one strike.
Vera Leigh is a celebrated artist. In fact, she is almost famous. They say she produced some of the best forgeries of famous works seen in recent years.
Mrs. Smith is no relation to Mr. Smith. She is the owner of Soul Reaper, Inc. Her business license says she is a bounty hunter, but there are whispers that she is really an assassin.
Carolyn Monroe is considered a sex goddess. She is blond and beautiful, but not too bright. She isn’t afraid to use her many assets to get what she wants from life.

Lou Natic is an infamous actor who is well known for his easily triggered temper and lofty demands.
Marie Inhaste was widowed 4 times. They call her the Black Widow. Each of her rich and powerful husbands died of heart failure. Men really have a lot to say about that fact. She may be on the lookout for #5.
Stan Dingproud is an absent-minded English Professor. He is very intelligent but has a habit of walking off in the middle of a conversation.
May Flowers is a quirky psychologist whose favorite pastime is analyzing everyone she meets.
Sally Forth is a famous Psychic. Sally claims to hear the voices of the dearly departed and predict future events.
Dr. Hugh Demann claims to be a world-renowned physician, but nobody seems to have heard of him.
Harry Hyde is a little paranoid. Okay, so maybe he's a lot paranoid. His theories are interesting, to say the least.
Robin Banks is called the gentleman thief. Ladies practically swoon at the thought of being robbed by him.
Jenna Feline is a very eccentric heiress. She has oodles of cats and dresses very strangely.
Betty Kant is a forensic entomologist who prefers to be called a maggotologist. Her knowledge of bugs can reveal when, where & sometimes, and how a victim died.