Murder at the Four Deuces - C - Box Set
Murder Mystery Party Game
Don and MeMe Wannabe are hosting the grand opening celebration of their new club, the Four Deuces, and you are invited to attend. The Four Deuces is a lavish joint serving music, food & fun. The cream and not-so-cream of society will be here. With gangsters, politicians, dolls, molls, and many other interesting guests in attendance, this event is sure to be the bee's knees.
Murder At The Four Deuces is a rip-roaring 1920s gangster murder mystery party game with plenty of plotting, bribery, and backstabbing to be had.
This game is loosely based on some of the very first Chicago and New York Gangsters, their rivalries, speakeasies, and love lives. Al Capone was still a bouncer, just moving up in the "Family."
For 10-21 Guests - with a minimum of 10 guests required and a max of 21, or up to 41 with our optional 2 Extra Character Packets. We have methods for hosting much larger parties listed in our FAQ.
This is our Tame version of this game in a box set. We also have a Mature version.

Written by Mary Lee Artwork by Darryl Taylor
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Murder at the Four Deuces Clean
View our Free Game Preview to understand better how our games work. Links will load a flip book of the booklet! The Sample Character Booklets are not in-game characters, so they won't reveal anything in the likely event you are playing. In a pinch, they can be used, though.
Murder at the Four Deuces C Host Guide - Explains how our games run, how to host them, and a step-by-step for the event.
Murder at the Four Deuces C Sample Character Background Booklet - This will instruct your guests on how to play the game and what they can expect. It also gives them their assigned character's background information and other suggestions or instructions they may need.
Murder at the Four Deuces C Sample Confidential Booklet - these are not given out until after the murder and will tell your guests what secrets they have, secrets they know about others, and things they may need to say or do.
IMPORTANT: After purchase, you will receive a follow-up email with info to access the Character Backgrounds for your game so you can email these to your guests along with the Host Guide and Guest List Worksheet to assign characters. If you do not get it, check your junk folder. If you still have not received it, then please reply to your receipt and let me know, and I will get it to you. Also, email us if you purchase an extra character packet and need those straight-format background booklets to email.

Character Background Booklets which contain:
Guest List
How to Participate in a Murder Mystery Instructions
Character Background
Any information the character may need.
Character Confidential Booklets - Contain Secrets, Knowledge, and Things to Do.
Host Guide Booklet - This includes a Step By Step
Organizing Guide and Organizing Labels
Guest List Worksheet (to assign characters to guests).
Weapon & Action Card System (There is an optional weapon card scavenger hunt. We will provide the link to that in the materials you receive).
Full-Size Evidence
Evidence Presentation
Game Money (for all those nefarious schemes).
Whodunit Cards and Worksheet
Graphics or flyers to display.
Certificates for:
Best Performer - For Oscar-deserving performance skills.
Dressed to Kill - For using outstanding creative imagination in costuming.
Super Sleuth - For using superior wits and detective skills to solve the mystery.
Super Villain - For being the sneakiest and most backstabbing player in the game.
Wealthiest Player - For using cunning, bribery, and other nefarious skills to amass the most wealth.

Murder at the Four Deuces Tame rating breakdown:​
We have taken our bestselling murder mystery game, Murder at the Four Deuces, and tweaked it to be suitable for teens and/or adults concerned about the Mature version's content.
This version has no Madam.
There are people who secretly see others, but we leave it up to those involved to determine their exact relationship or circumstances.
The murder takes place at the party.
There are references to prohibition and booze.
There is no cursing or name-calling unless your guests take it upon themselves.
We handle all content in a very tasteful manner.
Please Note: This game is generally not suitable for real conservative groups. This game does contain violent content and suggestive themes. I have games written specifically for both church and conservative groups. Please see A Killer Reunion or Class of 57.

Don Wannabe is Don “Big Jim” Ravioli’s Chief Lieutenant. It was love at first sight when he met his wife, MeMe. MeMe is known to be a very successful matchmaker.
MeMe Wannabe is a very successful matchmaker and a real class act who has been married to Don Wannabe for fifteen years. With their combined head for business, they have amassed a fortune. Tonight, they open their newest venture, The Four Deuces.
Capo Beau Bigwig is the self-proclaimed Boss of Bosses. He will be visiting us from New York. Speculation is running rampant on why he is coming here tonight. When it involves the Capo, it just has to be something big.
Don “Big Jim” Ravioli is the well-known father of the Chicago mob or "The Family." The Don just recently divorced Vicky, his wife of twenty years, to marry the much younger Carrie Crooner. They have only been married for a week.
Carrie Crooner-Ravioli was a jazz singer in one of Big Jim's clubs when he fell in love with her. He divorced his wife Vickie to marry her. She is attending tonight to do a special performance. People speculate that she only married Big Jim so that she could use his connections to be discovered as the star she is.
Vicky Ravioli is the ex-wife of Don “Big Jim” Ravioli. While she is older than he is, she was still surprised when he demanded a divorce to marry that tart, Carrie Crooner. When the divorce came through on March 20th, Vicky was overheard saying, "I raised my husband from a boy to a man for another woman.” She received a $50,000 settlement from the divorce.
Rebecca Ravioli is the daughter of Big Jim and Vicky Ravioli. Rebecca has been telling everyone that she is engaged to marry Rhett Bumbler. Her father refuses to allow the marriage.
Baroness Ravioli is the mother of Don “Big Jim” Ravioli. Of course, she is not a real Baroness, but being the Don's mother does tend to keep people from saying any different. The Baroness loves to wear tiaras and lord it over anyone she considers 'beneath' her, which happens to be most people.
Inspector Neville “The Nose” Nutella will be attending the function to investigate the murder of the Black Hand Gang two nights ago.
Al Capone was brought from New York by Don Wannabe to work in his club. While his job title is bouncer, everyone knows that he is really just a hitman for the Family.
U.S. Congressman Darrin Toosteal - Some say Darrin’s rise to fame resulted from his close friendship with Don Big Jim Ravioli. He could very possibly become the next President of the United States. You have to wonder how he could hope to become the next president when it is well known that he has such a close affiliation with a man of Big Jim’s reputation.
Rhett Bumbler is a gambler who blew into town six months ago. No one knows much about him except that he is not very good at cards or dice. His attempts to cheat are so laughable that most people tend to overlook them. What could Rebecca see in him? Big Jim would never tolerate this buffoon as a son-in-law.
Donna Wannabe is Don Wannabe’s little sister. Donna has become quite popular with movie-picture actors. Lately, she has been seen making a play for Rhett Bumbler’s attention.
Sly Slick runs the horse race ring for Don “Big Jim” Ravioli. He has an agreement with the new Telegraph Company to be the only person to receive the live horse race results immediately in the Chicago area. He then sells these results to local bookies for half of their take. In exchange for all his work, the Don gives him 5% of the earnings. Some say he is unhappy with this percentage and feels he deserves a full partnership in the venture. He and Rebecca Ravioli have been good friends for years.
Vanessa Crooner is the mother of Carrie, “Big Jim” Ravioli’s new wife. She chaperoned Carrie and Big Jim everywhere they went before the marriage. She does not approve of Big Jim. After they married, she moved into the new house with them just to ensure that Big Jim treats her baby right.
Mary Toosteal is the wife of U.S. Congressman Darrin Toosteal. Mary is the perfect, elegantly dignified, political wife. She comes from old money and powerful connections.
Mayor “Big Bill” Bumpkin is the Mayor of Chicago. He is friendly and honest, which is why people do not believe the rumor that city funds have been vanishing. He and Don “Big Jim” Ravioli have been good friends for many years.
Cash Steal - No one knows anything about this man. Not why he is here or where he comes from.
Cassandra Steal is the wife of Cash Steal.
Jack “Greasy Thumbs” Guiseppi is Don “Big Jim” Ravioli’s accountant. Guilda Guiseppi is the wife of Jack Guiseppi.

​This is really the best extra character packet for the game, as these characters are written into the plot, so they are a little more than just extras. Plus, you get a bartender character to help at your party!
Penny Cheatum is a high-profile attorney who specializes in “Family” Law.
Mr. Smith claims to be in town on business, but no one seems to know him or agree on what that business actually is.
Serina Siren and her brother come from Italy. Her father, Guido, disappeared after rumors that he was plotting his boss’s demise. The Sicily Family thought it would be best for the Siren children to see America. Serina is known to be a very modern woman who has the brains and looks to get what she wants.
Lester Jester is a practical joker. Watch your back with this one around you!
Glenna Glib was voted “Most Talkative Person” every year in college. I don't think any more than that needs to be said. If you have further questions, Glenna will happily regale you for hours with the answers. Glenna is the new cocktail waitress at The Four Deuces.
Tom Hops is the suave, talented and friendly Four Deuces bartender.
Scoop Jennings is a little-known reporter who is beginning to out-scoop the big boys.
Sam Siren is the brother of Serina and the son of the deceased Guido Siren. Sam is looking to join a new family. They say he is very talented, but can he be trusted?
Color Pencille is an up-and-coming artist. She comes from a creative family who was scandalized when her mother chose to marry a lawyer! It was simply shocking... a lawyer with no artistic interest whatsoever!
R. K. Oswald is the owner of W4DR Radio Station. His station is one of the most listened to in Chicago. He also hosts a talk show.

Harry Hyde is a little paranoid. Okay, so maybe he’s a lot paranoid. His theories are interesting, to say the least.
Betty Kant claims to be a forensic entomologist who prefers to be called a maggotologist. Her knowledge of bugs can reveal when, where, and sometimes how a victim died. At least, these are the claims she makes. Sounds like voodoo science to us.
Stan Dingproud is an absent-minded English Professor. He is brilliant but has a habit of walking off in the middle of a conversation.
May Flowers is a quirky psychologist whose favorite pastime is analyzing everyone she meets.
Vera Leigh is a celebrated artist. In fact, she is almost famous. They say she produced some of the best forgeries of famous works seen in years.
Hobart T. King made the disaster film “On the Wagon.” It was supposed to be a western, but the few that saw it said it was a disaster. We have heard that he is here scouting for talent and investors for a new romantic film.
Jimmy Skimmy is an extremely successful accountant. Some wonder just how he came by all of his expensive little toys. Many seem to be outside the reach of even the best accountant’s income.
Kikki Kickit is a for-hire bodyguard. While many find the occupation unusual or even scandalous, they would not dare say anything about it. She was trained in the Far East, and it is said that she can kill a man with a single strike.
Robin Banks is called the gentleman thief. Ladies practically swoon at the thought of being robbed by him.
Jenna Feline is a very eccentric heiress. She has oodles of cats and dresses quite strangely.

If you have more women than men and need male extra characters, then this is the packet you want. These are all the male characters from the 1 & 2 extra character packets, so please don't combine these with those to try to get more characters. You'll end up with duplicates.
Harry Hyde is a little paranoid. Okay, so maybe he’s a lot paranoid. His theories are interesting, to say the least.
Stan Dingproud is an absent-minded English Professor. He is brilliant but has a habit of walking off in the middle of a conversation.
Hobart T. King made the disaster film “On the Wagon.” It was supposed to be a western, but the few that saw it said it was a disaster. We have heard that he is here scouting for talent and investors for a new romantic film.
Jimmy Skimmy is an extremely successful accountant. Some wonder just how he came by all of his expensive little toys. Many seem to be outside the reach of even the best accountant’s income.
Robin Banks is called the gentleman thief. Ladies practically swoon at the thought of being robbed by him.
Mr. Smith claims to be in town on business, but no one seems to know him or agree on what that business is.
Lester Jester is a practical joker. Watch your back with this one around you!
Tom Hops is the suave, talented and friendly Four Deuces bartender.
Sam Siren is the brother of Serina and son of the deceased Guido Siren. Sam is looking to join a new family. They say he is very talented, but can he be trusted?
R. K. Oswald is the owner of W4DR Radio Station. His station is one of the most listened to in Chicago. He also hosts a talk show.

If you have more men than women and need extra male characters, this is the packet you want. These are all the male characters from the 1 & 2 extra character packets, so please don't combine these with those to try to get more characters. You'll end up with duplicates.
Betty Kant claims to be a forensic entomologist who prefers to be called a maggotologist. Her knowledge of bugs can reveal when, where, and sometimes how a victim died. At least, these are the claims she makes. Sounds like voodoo science to us.
May Flowers is a quirky psychologist whose favorite pastime is analyzing everyone she meets.
Vera Leigh is a celebrated artist. In fact, she is almost famous. They say she produced some of the best forgeries of famous works seen in years.
Kikki Kickit is a for-hire bodyguard. While many find the occupation unusual or even scandalous, they would not dare say anything about it. She was trained in the Far East, and it is said that she can kill a man with one strike.
Jenna Feline is a very eccentric heiress. She has oodles of cats and dresses quite strangely.
Penny Cheatum is a high-profile attorney who specializes in “Family” Law.
Serina Siren and her brother come from Italy. Her father, Guido, disappeared after rumors that he was plotting his boss’s demise. The Sicily Family thought it would be best for the Siren children to see America. Serina is known to be a very modern woman who has the brains and looks to get what she wants.
Glenna Glib was voted “Most Talkative Person” every year in college. I don’t think any more than that needs to be said. If you have further questions, Glenna will happily regale you for hours with the answers. Glenna is the new cocktail waitress at the Four Deuces.
Scoop Jennings is a little-known reporter who is beginning to out-scoop the big boys.
Color Pencille is an up-and-coming artist. She comes from a creative family who was scandalized when her mother chose to marry a lawyer! It was simply shocking… a lawyer with no artistic interest whatsoever!